Automatic validator of documents authenticity for online nationality applications

Problem identified

  • Nationality application processes require a significant number of documents, which are currently delivered on paper and checked manually. This entails a high number of working hours for many employees of the Institute of Registries and Notary (IRN).
  • The nationality request is one of the IRN services with highest demand, therefore putting a lot of pressure on the in-person service.

Solution found

  • With the use of artificial intelligence, a tool was developed that allows the automatic validation of the documents required for the nationality application. This automatic validator makes possible the optimization and complete dematerialization of the procedure, increasing efficiency and responsiveness in view of the increasing number of new requests.
  • During the first phase, the online submission of the nationality application will only be available for representatives.

Next steps

Extend to citizens the possibility of submitting online the nationality application.


  • Dematerialisation of the nationality application process;
  • Reduction of the pressure on the in-person service;
  • Elimination of the need for scanning;
  • Automatic pre-validation of the documents required;
  • Automatic integration into information systems.